As a corporate citizen trusted by the international community, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group recognizes that enhancing corporate governance to develop fair and highly transparent management activities is vital, and, following corporate governance basic policy, is working to build effective corporate governance structures and systems.
Corporate Governance
Policy for Internal Control
Tosei Engineering is reinforcing its corporate governance and compliance initiatives, and ensuring soundness and transparency with the aim of achieving long-term sustainable growth together with all stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and employees.
Internal Control System Development and Organization
The Board of Directors is developing an effective internal control system and creating a system for compliance with laws and the Articles of Incorporation, to ensure that business operations are conducted in an appropriate and sound manner. Auditors perform audits to ensure the effectiveness and functionality of the internal control system. If internal audits reveal any violation of laws, regulations, the Articles of Incorporation or corporate regulations, or the risk of any loss caused by other matters, the internal audit supervisor immediately notifies the president and COO and instructs employees to take corrective or improvement actions.
Compliance and Risk Management
Tosei Engineering raises awareness of compliance by each and every officer and employee of our company, by ensuring compliance with laws and internal regulations, respect for human rights, fair and appropriate business activities, and ethical behavior.
Basic Policy for Business Continuity
Place the highest priority on confirming and ensuring the safety of employees and their families, and protecting human life and conducting rescue and recovery activities in the region
Place a priority on maintaining the supply of parts and materials necessary for customers to continue operations
Tosei Engineering has also introduced the "Safety Confirmation System" for confirming people's safety via mobile phones and smartphones in the event of a disaster or accident
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